
Biocalis Medical is distributing the newest generation of testicular implants.

Sebbin Testis Protezi

Sebbin Testicular Prosthesis:

Sebbin testicular prostheses are produced by Sebbin company in Paris. Prosthesis of the prostate are 5 different size, gel filled soft consistency dentures.

Sebbin Testis Protezleri

Product codeSizeDiameterVolume
LS 01 0252.5 cm2.1 cm6 cc
LS 01 0343.4 cm2.7 cm12 cc
LS 01 0404.0 cm3.0 cm17 cc
LS 01 0505.0 cm3.3 cm27 cc
LS 01 0535.3 cm3.8 cm38 cc